Thursday, November 24, 2016

Let There Be Peace, And Let It Begin With Me

When I was still young, I thought I understood what peace was. I was convinced my world was a pretty safe place. In my early twenties, I used to work in an area of downtown Toronto I didn't know was dangerous. I just walked around like I owned the whole neighborhood. No one ever hassled me on my short walk to the subway, or on the train either. I thought it was a peaceful commute. And it was.

But these days, there are a rising number of unsafe places. And far less peace than I remember. But maybe my understanding of peace has changed? Let's check...

  1. 1.
    freedom from disturbance; quiet and tranquility.
  2. 2.
    freedom from or the cessation of war or violence.

Yup, that's pretty much what my definition is as well.
So why is there less of it? Is it, as a friend on the phone last night suggested, because fewer people care about the effect their words and actions have on others? Perhaps.
There is more violence today, more war, more judgement and more hatred. Using the definition above and physics, when there is more violence on the opposite scale, there must be less peace. Like a glass that's filled with water. More water -- less air space. 

My phone call with a friend last night was enlightening. At some point in the conversation, my friend said, "It comes down to one thing -- is that person's choice to do what they want with their body harming me in any way? Will it impact my life if a woman chooses to have her baby even if that baby is a product of rape? Will it impact my life if you choose to love someone of the same gender?" So why aren't more people asking themselves these kinds of questions before they judge others? Maybe it's too much work. Maybe it's easier for them to judge before trying to understand? I don't have the answers. But I'm mighty glad that I and my family are out here in the bush!

Some of you might remember that I can go on for hours about Ravelry, the knitting/crocheting/weaving/fiber website. Today, one of the hot discussions was the upcoming world-wide knit-in for peace. The event was born from one simple comment about the potential for peace if a few hundred knitters all decided to knit for peace. From the concept creator, Christina Campbell,

"Last year after conducting the first “peace-along” I jokingly said “if we could get knitters around the globe to focus on peace for 21 days we might create world peace.” At this point I say, no joking, what have we got to lose?
I’ve created a cowl pattern that has a bit of a soothing stitch pattern. It’s a 4-row repeat. Knit 1 repeat per day and at the end of 21 days (or close to it) you’ll have a peaceful cowl. Optional i-cord edging."
What’s a peace-along? There will be a daily tip on how to infuse more peace into your life. These tips will be available on my blog each day from December 1-21. They’ll be simple things, some from me and others from a few guests.  

So obviously, the idea spoke to me as a knitter. And who knows if we'll change the minds of angry people afraid of those who look or act, or pray differently. But in the 21 days that we'll be knitting that cowl, we will be thinking and talking about peace. And if the teachings of Buddha are correct, we'll cast peaceful ripples out into the world around us. And that's not a bad goal!
Each of us needs to do what we can to promote peace, no matter if that's knitting, writing poetry, peaceful protests, letter writing, feeding the homeless...we can all do a little something to reduce the mistrust and judgement and hatred in our world.
Maybe it won't start with a flower, or a stitch, or a knitted cowl...but it might.

Here's some music to help get you in a peaceful frame of mind.

"Let there be peace, and let it start with me."

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Nipples On a Breastplate, Or A Pickle?

While I work on a post chronicling pickles from hell, I wanted to share this little tidbit with you. It nearly made me spit my coffee across the room. I hope the rest of your day is laced with equal amounts of humor!

"The man is as useless as nipples on a breastplate."
George R. R. Martin

Monday, August 01, 2016

Go Off World!

Hot Off The Press!

I can hardly believe it, but my short story ‘If It’s Easy’ is now available at Inktera and Tolino Books, as well as Amazon, of course! Who is Tolino Books, I can hear you asking? They are Germany’s online bookstore answer (recently expanded to Belgium) to the Amazon behemoth, and the third largest english language market for e-books in the world. Inktera claims over a million books in their catalogue. And, literally just in, ‘If It’s Easy’ is now also available at Scribd, and Page Foundry, as well as Kobo and Apple iBooks!

This is great news for readers looking for markets outside of the Amazon bubble!

Saturday, July 16, 2016

If It's Easy

I am thrilled to report that my speculative fiction short story has finally been born! I'd shout it from the treetops, but I have a thing about heights.

The story is a bit of romance, a bit of speculative fiction and a bit of an adventure. Here's the synopsis,

When a Djinn is discovered inside a popular author's computer, it's only the beginning of the strange twist Coriander's life has taken. Now she's on the cusp of an out-of-this-world adventure with a woman that's stolen her heart, and is offering much, much more than the moon.
I’m very  proud of it, but I’m biased, and absolutely captured by these characters.  Coriander Wolf is a popular science fiction author who falls head over heels for Devi Aradesta, who is everything Cori is not. Where Cori is a shy, blonde introvert, Devi is exotic, forward, crisp and alluring with a gentle voice with a hint of a mysterious accent. They are about to tumble into an adventure neither of them saw coming.
The thing about short fiction is that you don’t need to set aside hours to read. It’s cheaper. Instead of laying out $18 like so many bookstores ask, short fiction is an inexpensive investment, and it offers up more choice in the literary landscape.
‘If It’s Easy’ can be found on Amazon right now for a mere .99 cents USD I hope you’re intrigued enough to go buy a copy, read it and then come back here and tell me what you thought.

I hope you enjoy it, I'm off to go work on the sequel now. Cheers!

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Pass The Peas, Please!

 If you’ve grown peas before, you might already be familiar with the little green marvels. But if you’ve never grown peas and want to give them a shot, there’s a few things you should know.

  •  You CAN grow peas in planters. So if your soil is questionable, or maybe even absolute crap, if you live in an apartment, or you rent and can’t get permission to have a garden, or you can’t bend over like you used to… don’t despair! When the peas get big, provide with some sort of support to climb on, even if it’s just twine or string strung between sticks. (Peas aren’t proud, they’re happy as long as they have something to climb on) 

  • When the temperature goes up, provide them with shade. That might mean moving the pots they’re in or devising a support system you can drape darker old sheets over during the hottest part of the day. (Again, this doesn’t have to be store-bought or look like something from the pages of Martha Stewart magazine. Do what works for you without cutting into your budget) 

  • Water them every day. Not only does this result in plumper peas, but the plants can withstand higher temperatures and pest invasions better. 

  • If you have the room, for pots, planters or another row in the garden, plant more than one crop, but about a week after the first planting. This is called succession planting, and it ensures you’ll get more than one harvest. Depending on how many you’ve planted, you may or may not get very much, but every single fresh pea on your plate is better than canned ones from the grocery store. And speaking of harvest… 

Harvest in the coolest part of the day. Keep your peas in a baggie or a bowl in the fridge until dinner time. If you must have them cooked, only heat them until they’re warm. Don’t boil them to death! You’ll have boiled all the vitamins out of them, ruined their consistency. My favorite way to have peas is raw, but not everyone agrees with me.

 This is by no means, a complete list. Just a few tips I thought I’d share in the hopes of getting more folks growing a classic and much-loved vegetables.

Have you grown peas? Do you have any tips to share with us? Sound off in the comments section, we’d love to learn from you! (If you enjoyed this post and want to see more like it, enter your name in the box to the right and we’ll let you know via email when there’s a new post.)

Friday, June 17, 2016

That's My Kind of Fine Art!

The greatest fine art of the future will be the making of a comfortable living from a small piece of land. — Abraham Lincoln

Monday, June 06, 2016

Trim Your Toenails & Other Bits of Wisdom

At the top of the screen, I say I update monthly, but I feel like I’ve been away for too long. I figured it was high time I let you all know I’m still here.
You know that saying, “Life is what happens when you make other plans”? It’s true!

Almost a month ago I was deciding what to update this blog with when I got a phone call from my surgeon. My hysterectomy surgery could be moved up but I had two hours to decide if i wanted it in four days. Long story short...I did it. To say that it was life changing, even for just the short term, is an understatement. Hysterectomies are done in staggering numbers, I did my research, the doctor and I had a plan A and a plan B all figured out.Except for a small case of nerves five minutes before the surgery, I was ready.

When I woke up though, I was reminded that no matter how ready we think we are, life doesn’t always play by the rules. I had asked for the surgery to remove 4 large fibroids, but when the surgeon went in, she found I was riddled with endometriosis. Surprise! One of my ovaries had calcified to a section of my bowel, further complicating things. So a general surgeon was consulted, my incision made bigger and the section of bowel was temporarily removed from my body. Plan A was to remove the Fallopian tubes and uterus. The endo kicked that plan out of the park and in kicked plan B. Everything had to come out. In the end, all of the endometriosis was apparently removed, my bowel put back in and I was sewn up. Now, let me say that I think the world of my surgeon. She’s efficient, ready with answers to my questions, willing to discuss every concern I had and didn’t bat an eye at a same-gender relationship. And holy crap, can she sew! Once I got home, things were okay for a few days, but my incision got infected. In two days I went from being okay to having a fever of 102 F and a pocket of infected, gross stuff that burst when I stood up. I admit, I freaked out a little when I saw all that running down my leg. Three seasons of Walking Dead did not prepare me for this!

So now that I’ve taken all my antibiotics and I’m almost a month post-op, I can tell you I’m glad I jumped at the early date and had it done. The only pain I’ve had (besides the normal recovery pain for a couple of weeks) is when I bent down the wrong way. In case anyone is reading this that is expecting to have a hysterectomy done, or knows someone who is, I have a couple of pieces of advice.

First, the day before you think you’re going in, trim your toenails. Sounds like a no-brainer, right? You won’t be able to do them yourself for weeks afterward! So either trim your toenails a couple of days before or get a pedicure. I wish I had thought about this before my surgery.
Also, if you know when your surgery will be, shave your legs a few days before. Same reasoning. Hospitals and surgeons don’t all want pubic areas shaved before surgery anymore, ask about this. I did. But I do wish I’d shaved my legs.

Next time, what’s on the needles?

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Nerd Music Goes Bluegrass!

I've always wanted to watch Game of Thrones, but there's only so many hours in a day, you know? So I thought I'd get the book. Well, I read, a LOT, but when Mr. Martin introduced the tenth character in the first chapter, I had to put it down. Maybe I'll try again when the GoT fandom is not so fierce and everyone is telling me I must love it. Or else. I want to love it. Really.
The snippets of commercials I've seen sure do look intriguing, and that music....I do love that!

So I was over the moon when I found out there was a bluegrass band that's done a cover of the Game of Thrones theme music. Being a lover of bluegrass, I clicked over and immediately fell in love.

Listen, and tell me what you think!

Saturday, April 02, 2016

Ways To Reduce Your Energy Consumption This Summer

I've just come inside from a chilly, slightly icy world coated in white. It's April, where the hell is spring? While I was trying to warm up with coffee and the dog, who is also chilly from being outside, I came across an interesting post, 36 Ways to Lower Your Energy Use This Summer over at Just Plain Living.
The woman who keeps the blog is a trailblazer in my humble opinion. She and her family live in the wilds in Nova Scotia, off grid and as self reliant as they can be. Her blog can you teach you a lot if that's what you're into.

But even if you aren't, have you really looked at your latest power bill? It went up, didn't it? Power rates are forever rising, and they never seem to come down. And we keep paying it, because far too many of us have no choice.

But you do. Lower your energy use. Marie will you give you great places to start over at her blog (which will open in another window)

  • plant climbing flowers and plants beneath your windows, which will cool the air coming into your house
  • use window and floor fans instead of the air conditioner (we've decided not to use ours this year!)
  • if you have a ceiling fan, make sure it's blowing down, not up
  • the ever obvious turn out lights when you aren't using them. Unless of course you live in a basement apartment. if you do, I feel your pain, but you'll be cooler than me this summer!
There are a lot more tips over on Marie's blog. Head over there and read her suggestions. You might find something you never thought of!

How do you plan on lowering your use of expensive energy? Let me know in the comments!

Friday, March 25, 2016

Disfigured By Hatred, Redeemed By Love

Today, I'd like to offer an exclusive peek into my novel-in-progress, "Lies We Tell". LWT is about the struggles of two women who are both scarred by their past, physically and emotionally. Here's the tagline from the novel, 'Disfigured by hatred, but redeemed by love…'
This is a special deleted scene between the two main characters, Honour Elliot and Bree Donovan.
Bree looked down at her boots and then directly at Honour. “On occasion, my right leg becomes nearly useless. The doctors are unable to explain why. I have resigned myself to it. However, it is increasingly difficult to hide the condition. When the weakness strikes, I am unable to do little more than shuffle to use the facilities.”
“Why do you hide it?”
Bree looked out at the mausoleum as she answered. “I am a proud woman, Miss Elliot. You must realize there are many who would exploit my weakness. I cannot be seen as weak.”
“I’m sure you wouldn’t have anyone on staff who would take advantage of you. From what I hear, they are all extremely loyal to you.”
“I believe Mrs. Vaughan suspects. When I am laid up and unable to take my meals in the dining room, she has brought trays up to me, but she never speaks of those times. Nor have I.”
“I see.” Honour nodded. “You needed someone to not only trust with your estate but also with your secret.”
“You have proven to be as astute as you are reputed to be. Discretion was also assured.”
“Your secret is as safe with me as my own, Miss Donovan.”
Bree studied Honour carefully and nodded once again. “My condition has been known to creep up on me some days, and on occasion slam into me suddenly. It’s duration is also unpredictable. I’m afraid I can tell you no more than that.”
So there's your exclusive peek! Intrigued? Want to see more? Drop me a line at or in the comments section on this post!

Monday, March 14, 2016

The Ambassador

(This is an excerpt from a longer work in progress)

When I went downstairs with a load of laundry, the last thing I expected to find was a dragon with a book between it’s front feet. It was startling to say the least.
“Listen, do you think you could fix that door so it doesn’t squeal so much?” The dragon asked in a rumbling voice.
“Um, sure.” I replied eloquently as I stood and gawked.
“What are you staring for?” It asked me before gesturing to the piles of boxes marked ‘books’. “You have all this knowledge on my kind, I would think you’d be thrilled to see me.”
“I never expected to actually meet one of you, let alone have a conversation with you.” I stammered. “I’m…”
“I know who you are,” he interrupted me in a deep voice. “I’ve been down here long enough that I know all about you.”
“Why have I never seen you before today?” I asked.
“I didn’t want you to.” He replied. “Your clothes won’t get clean if you stand there holding them. But leave the door open, will you? It hurts my ears every time you open and close it. My name is Barroth.” He said as I stood there a moment longer. He was a classic example of a western dragon. He was the size of a large SUV, with back ridges, large head, dark red scales and a long tail. He was laying on the floor with a book clasped in the claws of his front feet.
I finally remembered my manners. “I’m honored to meet you, Barroth.” I gestured toward the washing machine. “Will that bother you?”
“No, it’s just the door, really.”
With some difficulty, I turned away from him and loaded the machine, added detergent and gently closed the lid.
“You must have questions.” He said from the other side of the room.

“Quite a few in fact, but I didn’t want to be rude.” I turned toward him and leaned on the washing machine.
“I suppose I can answer a few.”
“Obviously this is a bit of a shock to me, but I’m thrilled to find you. I thought the only living things down here were rodents.” A shudder raced through me.
“You don’t like them?”
“They terrify me.” I admitted.
“But you’re fine with talking to a large fire-breathing creature.” There was an undercurrent of humor in his statement.
“Yeah, ironic, I know. Can I ask, why my basement?”
“At first, when I was smaller, I needed shelter and the door had been left open. I got bored waiting for the storm to pass and started reading. Long after the storm moved on, I stayed. I read, ate the occasional rodent and got to know you. You intrigued me. I’ve decided you’ll do.”

“An ambassador, of course.”

(As I said, this is an excerpt, and not complete yet. I'd love to know what you think of it. You can either leave a comment here or email me at

Tuesday, March 08, 2016

A Hunter...

“A hunter who chases two rabbits catches neither one.” 
Chinese Proverb

Wednesday, March 02, 2016

Change And Growth

There are many reasons why I've been away from the blog so long, and I don't see any of them as excuses, per say. None of our lives are simple and uncomplicated, and sometimes, priorities rear their heads and something has to give.
In my case, that was the blog.
But for the past few weeks, I've felt a nagging feeling drawing me here I am.

I don't make resolutions so much as set goals, and the beginning of this year was no exception. I'm determined to sell two short stories this year. This sounds simple, and I only wish it were. But it seems that what I write cannot be easily classified. At first, I thought it was lesbian fiction. But what I write is more than that. My favoured pieces of my own creation seem to lean toward the 'speculative fiction' genre, but upon careful study of the markets, what I write is not dark enough for the paying spec fic markets. Apparently dark and demented sells.

Something else that I've been working on is building my platform. The non-writers among you are likely scratching your heads in puzzlement. Essentially, platform is a way of getting an author's name out into the world and building a following in a (hopefully) authentic way. This takes time. Even more so when the novel isn't finished yet! So I've been learning, researching and trying to build my platform one brick at a time.

At the same time, I've been knitting. Some of you may remember that I enjoy knitting socks. I enjoy the peaceful repetition of the cuff and leg, and the challenge of turning the heel. The whole process allows me some sort of creative space to mentally work out plot lines and character flaws. So no matter what my writing is doing, I'm still being creative. And even if I don't write a word for days, my characters are never far from my thoughts.

I've also been dealing with a medical issue. It's not life-threatening, but it will be life-changing, if only for a little while. I'll talk more about it another time, but I will tell you that pain is far more crippling than I thought. Honestly, pain is a bitch. The good part of this medical stuff though, is that it's made me aware of my own limitations, which has in turn, prompted growth and change in our youngest. In a good way.

I guess the take away of this post is that everything in life can either hinder us, or help us. It's a lesson I've had to learn over the past few weeks, and while I used to say I hated change, I can honestly say that the Universe doesn't care what I like or not.
Change is inevitable, and all we can do is react to it in a way that we hopefully come out the other side as better people.