Saturday, April 07, 2012


I can now make the announcement I've been waiting months to shout from the rooftops...


Yes, we're finally moving out to the country. Well, bush, actually. In three short months, our new home will be in the wilds of Northern Ontario where we'll be raising chickens, growing as much food as we can, and helping my folks with anything that needs doing. We expect it will be a lot of work, but we're up for it.
I can't express to you how much I'm looking forward to sharing our adventures with you. I can finally experiment with growing pumpkins and watermelon, I can finally start to think seriously about stream development and water collection, building a chicken tractor and enjoying "home-grown" eggs once again.

I'm excited, but the job of getting four people and a dog packed in 102 days is a bit overwhelming!

So the posts here may get a bit shorter, they may not, but they'll never be boring, I'm sure!

Thursday, April 05, 2012

Betcha Didn't Know...

Did you know we now have a poll here in the Urban Trench? That's right, down a little bit on the right hand side of this page.
I'd be grateful if you'd go and vote, wether you've commented here or just lurk. Your input means a lot, and I look forward to seeing comments. Barring that, I'd be very interested in seeing the results of the poll.
I'll be back tomorrow with a better, longer, update.
Have a great day!

Monday, April 02, 2012

A Technology Suggestion

It's a busy day around here, but I came across a blog entry on Prepping To Survive called "Depending On Technology" that I thought was a great post. I wholeheartedly suggest you read it. I know I learned something, and I hope you do too.
I hope to have more for you tonight. Until then, be productive, be safe!