- reduce books and magazines we no longer read or use all of (why keep a whole magazine for one recipe? Copy out the recipe and pass the mag on to a doctor's office)
- reduce outgrown and no longer worn clothes
- clean out kitchen cupboards (think of that one cupboard that you stash little-used grocery items)
- make the pantry we've always wanted (this will also help us stock up on food better and regain control of those kitchen cupboards)
- clean off desks and reduce the amount of paper we keep (with an eye to my research notes and the fact that my freelance writing figures into our three year plan)
- learn the skills that will help us reduce our grocery bills, and thereby help us prepare for the coming food price hike, as well as the coming food shortage
Now, this might not seem like much to some, but to us, this is huge. I figure we can reduce our "stuff load" by quite a bit.
I admire those who can embrace simple living, all the while admitting it won't work for this family. But we can do these simple things. Less stuff to move equals easier cleaning, and possibly reduced allergies. Less stuff to move means a smaller truck to transport it in, and less of a carbon footprint.
Many perks, few drawbacks.