The world of blogging has become huge. Celebrities have blogs, people who don't want to write in a diary have blogs, hell, even politicians have blogs now!
<- That's Freckles the Wonder Dog contemplating what he might blog about; if he stayed awake long enough.
But I've found that life often gets in the way of blogging. I've been working 6 days a week for I'm-not-even-sure-how-many-weeks now, and my evenings fly by in an exhausted haze. Betty and I were fortunate to attend the Dyke March in Toronto last Saturday, and we HAD A BLAST! We saw drag queens, we saw topless women, we saw women on stilts, we saw grandmothers, young mothers, mothers to be... we saw women making a political statement, and we were able to be a small part of it by merely being crowd control. Next year we'd like to be able to go to Toronto and stay the weekend.
I've gotten NO knitting done, but I am writing again! The Anari Effect has been a work in progress for some time. I got stuck for a bit, but a friend (and agent), has been challenging me. She's inspiring, thought provoking and very intellectual. she's always a delight to spend time with, and she's a fellow doggie person too! I'm hoping to hear her opinion soon of the first four chapters. I'd like to think that I'll finish it, be proud and be able to market it out to a publisher. I never wanted to be a one-book author.
The Anari Effect was originally supposed to be a bit of a thriller/mystery with a bit of science & tech thrown in; but the mystery is falling more and more by the wayside. I'm not sure the mysterious element is as important as I thought. The theme seems to be the quest for alternative energy solutions, about pollution and saving the planet's resources, about broadening our horizons as a race. While it's interesting to me, is it enough to sell books? How does Jackie Collins do it? She has churned out countless books, countless characters, countless plots, but she writes for hours every day. How did she manage book two?
Argggh! she probably didn't watch t.v, though either.