<----- This is the much wept-over-often-frogged-and-restarted "Dad Sock" This is its fourth incarnation. Sad. But it looks pretty damn sharp, if I do say so myself. I think the needles must be a size too small, because I sometimes think I am knitting with steel. These socks will keep out drafts, believe me. The toes will match the cuff, which is a mottled sandy-oatmeal kind of tweed. Not sure if the heel flap will have the oatmeal tweed yet. I knit like I write. Sporadic. Speaking of writing, I was fortunate to attend a local gathering of lesbian (and lesbian-friendly) writers, performers and musicians last night. It was an interesting collection of personalities. Especially Miss Drew. All I heard last night was..."You should have seen him dance!" He was rather tall in those heels, let me tell you! Hope he didn't twist his ankle on the way to Club Ren, it looked ready to snap off. I missed him because while the first set went on, I stayed out in the lobby and guarded Anne Azel's books. Anne is an author friend of ours, one of the most talented writers I have ever ready, and a damn fine, intelligent and entertaining person besides. I would have taken my knitting, but I already felt a bit conspicuous, being the only one knitting would be even more obvious. Maybe next year, I'll have more of The Anari Effect to read...maybe I'll knit while I read, just to stir things up.
On the reading list beside Anne's wonderful books is "Fire Your Doctor!" I am reading now about vitamins, more specifically the range of ailments and diseases that can be treated with megadoses of specific vitamins. It's fascinating stuff, really. Makes a very good case for paying more attention to one's body. One of the premises the author makes is that we should take more Vit C than we do. Smaller doses, taken more frequently throughout the day. He says, "Vitamin C has shown to be helpful for over thirty major diseases, including pneumonia, herpes zoster, pancreatitis, hepatitus, arthritus, some forms of cancer, leukemia, diabetes, ...etc." While Mr. Saul does acknowledge that "individual needs for vitamin C vary greatly, he suggests increasing one's daily intake slowly. Linus Pauling was a big advocate of Vitamin C too. He's considered a pioneer in the field of orthomolecular medicine. Some also consider his views on Vitamin C to be, how shall I put this...doubtful at best. Whether one buys into Dr. Pauling's views, or those of Andrew Saul, Ph.D., one can hardly argue that, on the whole, most of us don't take care of ourselves well enough. So I'm ready with a cautious mind, but a hopeful heart while I knit some more on Tammy's Dad's socks.
Next time, I'll show you the dress socks.