Monday, March 04, 2013

The Poor Plant Stand...

Oh my, it's the month of seeds!
The mailman has been so kind to me lately...
Just the other day... oh wait! Do you know about Folia?
You don't!?
Folia's cool webtool helps you get all your seeds in a row - from listing chores to tracking frosts, researching sowing and harvesting timing to tracking observations about your garden.  Think of it like Facebook and Flikr and Wikipedia, all rolled into one great site! You can connect with other gardeners from all over the world, no matter what anyone plants or where they grow it. So, go check out after you've read all about my great seeds and you'll see what I mean!

So, a couple of weeks ago I connected with another gardener who lives not too far from where we just moved from. Ironic, no? This gardener is known across Folia for being THE person to go to if you want to know anything or grow any kind of tomato.  One of the features on Folia is a seed swap list. In a nut-shell,  each gardener can post a list of what they're looking for, and another list of the seeds they have to swap. So I reached out to this other gardener because I wanted to try and get ahold of some rare tomato seeds. We talked swap terms, and just the other day my seeds came in the mail!! So here's what was sent:

  • Goose Creek (exceedingly rare) (Apparently smuggled into the country by a Caribbean slave two generations ago)
  • Blush (Reputed to be the cross of two great tasting tomatoes, 'Maglia Rose' and 'Zucchero', these being chosen by an eight year old for their taste)
  • Carbon
  • Amana Orange (Said to be named for Amana, Iowa)
As well as a packet of 'Black Oil' sunflower seeds!
I was pretty excited, and it didn't take us long to start them off, and of course make sure all the info was recorded in the plant journal I keep.

Today, as if all this seedy goodness was not enough, more seeds arrived in the mail !!

In a large manilla envelope was my Heritage Harvest Seeds order!
I got more tomatoes! 'Manitoba', 'Bison', 'Martino's Roma', 'Early Annie', and purple tomatillos!
I also got 'Red Stalk' celery, 'Old Homestead' rhubarb, 'Mascara' lettuce, 'Doe Hill' peppers, 'Alma Paprika' peppers, and yet more cilantro!

I'm all aquiver to get these new seeds started, but we're running out of room in the plant stand.
What to do...what to do?

Temp: -8C/18F
Sky: clear
Wind: none

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