Thursday, August 23, 2012

A Wriggle Fence Here, A Wattle Fence There...

Back in May of this year, I posted  about a style of fence I wanted to use here, the Wriggle Fence.
Well, at long last I've gotten off my butt and started  a fence, although not quite the one I wrote about. I was unsure how the cross-pieces were to be attached, and the video was of no help. So I did the next best thing and improvised. I'm quite happy with what we've gotten accomplished so far.

In time, this patch will hold a variety of herbs, as well as a young apple tree that resides there now, along with a mallow plant, I believe.

There's not a lot of fence so far, but enough that I think you can see some progress. The corners are solid, and in fact, you can stand on the branches we've woven in so far.

It won't be high enough to keep out deer, but when it's done, it will at least be a deterrent to the squirrels, rabbits and neighborhood dogs.


The Cranky said...

It's look good Tanke! Putting things like rubber snakes, tinsel, etc... on a string about a foot above the top of your finished fence will help deter the deer. So will planting spiky or thorny plants on the outside of the fence.

The Cranky said...

Gah, looking good*